The Locals Coupons’ concept is simple yet ingenious. Traditional advertising and marketing campaigns can be expensive and in the end are in one way or the other tacked on to the unit price of the product or service. The true genius of Locals Coupons is to specifically target the consumer who is in search of a particular product.
The concept and practice of social coupons has recently been given a refreshing twist with the prevalence of Locals coupons operates in major cities in the United States and has proven itself, indispensable to both the consumer – as a source of great deals; and to advertisers as a source to target valuable advertising resources.
The Locals Coupons’ concept is simple yet ingenious. Merchants offer goods and services at significant discounts. When a predetermined, sufficient number of consumers take it up they get the price as displayed. So for example if XYZ offered their widget at 50% off retail on the condition that, let say 20 people take it up, they reach that predetermined number of buyers, all the buyers get it at that price. The take-up is almost always a certainty as the discount to retail prices are significant.
A typical example of these deeply discounted deals is a recent deal for 70% off retail prices on designer sunglasses in Atlanta. These European designer sunglasses are typically priced in the $500 range but was offered at just over a hundred dollars. The sunglasses were in-stock and brand new, in the box.
Another recent deal offered to Locals Coupons shoppers was for professional Internet marketing services priced ordinarily at $5000 and offered at $2000. A 60% discount to everyday prices.
Most people get skeptical of deep discounts like these and that is normal and to be expected in a caveat emptor market. However there is a simple, justified and perfect reason for the deep discounts offered at Locals Coupons. This reason stems from the fact that every retailer must spend on advertising and promotions in one way or another. These advertising and marketing campaigns can be expensive and in the end are in one way or the other tacked on to the unit price of the product or service.
The downside of conventional advertising and marketing budgets is that the amounts spent on a particular campaign can be waisted on consumers outside the targeted demographic. For example a radio advertising campaign is expensive as it casts a very wide net to a large cross section of a particular demographic. However, the target market may be a significantly smaller subset if that. But the cost is, nonetheless tacked on to the overall cost of the product.
The true genius of Locals Coupons is to specifically target the consumer who is in search of a particular product, being advertised or offered and then offering them the discount which would have ordinarily been spent on a wide net advertising campaign.
The end result is that the consumer gains from the higher discount; the retailer gains from having a new customer; and, Locals Coupons gains from bring the two together. It is a win-win situation, in a world where that is hard to come by.

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