Definitely the most significant advantage of credit cards is in its use. The world has advantages by leaps and bounds that transactions have to be facilitated and done with ease. The credit card comes in handly for everyone’s day to day activities.
When put into good use and used wisely, the credit card can work to everyone’s advantage.
Firstly, it solves the problem of taking that extra time and effort to go to the bank to withdraw some cash for the usual needs. The credit card will purchase groceries, pay for dinner, pay the bills for electricity, water, telephone, plus many other transactions. It can also be used to pay for professional fees, like for instance, the fees for the veterinarian when your pet is brought for his annual check up and vaccination. The credit card is like money rolled into one plastic card.
Having a credit card in one’s wallet always also saves one from emergency situations. Take for instance a person goes out dating, trying to woo a girl of his dreams and he realizes only then that the restaurant they went to was way beyond what he expected it to be in terms of prices, he can then use his credit card to make payments and avoid embarassment.
This is the cyberge and a lot of transactions are done online. E-commerce is on the grow. Many purchases are done throught the internet in the comfort of their own owns. The credit card is a must for this.
Another advantage of the credit card is the rewards given to the credit cardholder every time it is used. This rewards have points with corresponding value that can earn you airline tickets, cash refunds and many others.
Having a credit card also gives a cardholder a proper recording of his or her expenditures. This is definitely an advantage because it can serve as a constant reminder of your financial standing every time you get your billing statements every month.
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