Why You Should Get a Merchant Cash Advance Loan for Your Small Business Now
In this post-recession period, banks across the US are rather cautious about lending money to owners of small businesses. In fact, some banks in the private sector have also been refusing to loan any cash to such applicants outright, on grounds that timely returns on such loans are not guaranteed. Well, one can certainly understand (and perhaps even justify) the reason for the action from the perspective of banks. However, if you are the owner of a small business and happen to need a loan in order to keep your venture running successfully, then you are likely to be irritated, and worried.
How about seeking an alternative, like merchant cash advance
This is where merchant cash advance plans come into the picture. Have you heard of these plans before? Well, most of these involve a moneylender (either a person or an organization) giving you the money you need, in order to bring your business back on track. And as you sell your products or services, they claim a percentage of the money your customers pay you with the help of credit cards, as repayment. The process is pretty hassle free, and the lender will usually get this done without requiring any intervention from you.
The amount of money you can get from merchant cash advance
The amount you can ask for as loan varies according to the state of your business. If you are running a hugely successful business and need the loan to expand it further, then chances are you could ask for as much as USD 2,50,000. Owners of smaller businesses obviously cannot hope to get as much. The key is to make sure your business is running as profitably as possible, with proper records of the same maintained on a regular basis. This will go a long way in getting you the loan you need.
How quickly you can get the merchant loan
Well, this is where merchant cash advance plans outshine the alternatives. You can, in fact, get the money in your business account within a week. Any bank you approach for a loan of the same kind will take at least 3 weeks (if not more) to simply process your application. Of course, you need to make sure that all relevant business documents are in order before you apply for any merchant cash advance loan, but the trade off is well worth that little bit of hassle.
Are you running a small business in or around NYC or any where else in the nation for that matter ? NYC Merchant cash advance loans are available from quite a few lenders in the region. Get in touch with a lender like Business Finance Advance, and your problems are guaranteed to become shadows of the past.
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